
About the Journal

COMPETENTIE: Journal International Sustainable Research is a multidisciplinary scientific journal published monthly by INACEXTER (International Academic Research Center). It publishes research articles and studies covering various fields, including education, law, economics, socio-cultural aspects, health, agriculture, engineering, energy, technology, social sciences, and other related academic works.

The articles published in COMPETENTIE undergo a double-blind peer-review process. All submitted articles must be original, not previously published elsewhere, and not under consideration for publication elsewhere. The Editorial Board of JGRPH screens for plagiarism using a Plagiarism Detection Program. If a manuscript contains more than 25% plagiarized content, the editorial board will reject it automatically. The Editorial Board has the discretion to accept or reject scientific articles based on peer reviewer recommendations. It is important to note that the Editorial Board is not responsible for the views expressed in each article.

Manuscripts submitted to COMPETENTIE must adhere to the author's guidelines and template. Manuscripts that do not adhere to the author's guidelines and template will be automatically rejected before review. The editorial team will only consider manuscripts that meet the specified format requirements.

Journal Title : COMPETENTIE: Journal International Sustainable Research
Frequency : MONTHLY
E-ISSN : 3062-7265
Chief Editor : Ikhwan Aulia S.H,.M.H
DOI Prefix : on proces
Accreditation : International Copernicus (ICI)


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Current Issue

Vol. 2 No. 1 (2025): COMPETENTIE (In Press)
					View Vol. 2 No. 1 (2025): COMPETENTIE (In Press)
Published: 2025-01-25


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