Submission Requirements:

  1. Article Substance and Systematics:

    • The article must address a problem related to social sciences and humanities.
    • Required elements: title, author's name, institution, email, abstract, keywords, introduction, literature review, method, results and discussion, conclusions, and bibliography.
  2. Writing Style:

    • Use MS Word program, A4 paper, 5 to 20 pages, 1,15 point spacing, Times New Roman 12 pt font.
    • The title should be concise (max. 15 words).
    • Include the author's name without academic or job titles, along with institutions and email addresses.
    • Abstract (150-300 words) in one paragraph covering background, objective, research methods, results, and conclusions.
    • Keywords: 3 to 6 reflecting concepts in the paper.
    • Introduction: Background, purpose, and problem formulation.
    • Literature review
    • Method: Design, subject, data collection, research procedures, and analysis techniques.
    • Results and Discussion: Analyze recent data, test hypotheses, discuss findings, compare with other theories, and highlight implications.
    • Conclusion: Summarize research conclusions and offer suggestions.
    • Reference: Use 80% primary and current literature, and 20% textual citations (max. last 5 years).
    • Tables and graphs should be sourced and numbered.
  3. Footnote Style:

    • Follow the Chicago Manual of Style 17th edition (Full note).
    • Use reference management tools like Mendeley/Zotero/Endnote.
  4. Bibliography:

    • Alphabetically arranged based on the cited author's last name.
    • Follow the Chicago Manual of Style 17th edition (Full note).
  5. Arab to Latin Transliteration:

    • Refer to the Joint Decree of the Ministry of Religion and the Ministry of Education and Culture No. 158/1987 and Number 0543b/U/1987. For details, download here.

Submission Process:

  1. Submit your article via the journal's submission system.
  2. Ensure the article adheres to the guidelines.
  3. Include the similarity index check result in supplementary files.
  4. Articles must be original and not under consideration elsewhere.

Language Requirements:

  1. Use good and correct Indonesian or English.
  2. Transliteration follows the guidelines of the Joint Decree.