About the Journal

CAUSALITY: Journal National Public Issues is a national publication that allows researchers to publish their best research across various fields of study.

Articles published in CAUSALITY undergo a double-blind peer-review process. All submitted articles must be original, not previously published elsewhere, and not under consideration for publication elsewhere. The Editorial Board of CAUSALITY screens for plagiarism using a Plagiarism Detection Program. Manuscripts with over 25% plagiarism will be automatically rejected by the editorial board. The decision to accept or reject scientific articles is at the discretion of the Editorial Board, based on peer reviewer recommendations. The Editorial Board is not responsible for the views expressed in each article.

JCNPUS only accepts manuscripts that have followed the author's guidelines and template. Manuscripts that do not adhere to the author's guidelines and template will be automatically rejected before review. The editorial team will only consider manuscripts that meet the specified format requirements.