The Impact of Deforestation on the Environment and Sustainable Development in Indonesia


  • Rangga Basqian Universitas Islam Sunan Gunung Djati Author
  • Ikhwan Aulia Fatahillah Universitas Islam Sunan Gunung Djati Author


Deforestation, Environment, Development, Indonesia


This research aims to find out the impact of greater deforestation, as well as the impact on development in Indonesia. Forests are the lungs of the earth. Nowadays, we often see the phenomenon of deforestation being illegal and used for our own interests and to meet our needs which has a negative impact on the community's environment. The research method used to examine the problems discussed in this research is the normative analysis method, and the data analysis used comes from secondary data obtained through the literature. The impact of deforestation is very disappointing, due to the loss of the forest's ability to absorb air. ranging from global warming to flooding. Palm oil plantations are estimated to be the main source of 57% of deforestation in Indonesia. Good environmental quality and conditions during the development process are essentially the main expectations of several existing conventions


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How to Cite

The Impact of Deforestation on the Environment and Sustainable Development in Indonesia. (2024). COMPETENTIE : Journal International Sustainable Research, 1(4), 12-16.