The Study Of The Influence Of Physical Environment And Work Culture On The Psychological Well-Being Of Employees In Minimarkets In Bandung
Psychological well-being, Influence of physical environment, Work cultureAbstract
This study examines the influence of the physical environment and work culture on the psychological well-being of minimarket employees in Bandung. Psychological well-being refers to a healthy and balanced mental state that enables individuals to work productively and cope with daily pressures. The physical environment, including cleanliness, comfort, and the availability of facilities, as well as a positive work culture, significantly impact employees' psychological well-being. This research employs a quantitative method with a cross-sectional study design, involving 310 randomly selected respondents. Regression analysis results indicate that the physical environment and work culture significantly influence employees' psychological well-being, with a statistically significant regression model. This study is expected to provide practical recommendations for minimarket managers to improve working conditions and employee well-being and contribute to the academic literature in this field.
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