Standard Operating Procedures in The Selling Area at X-Sha Supermart


  • Rara Mutiara Sopari Politeknik Negeri Bandung Author
  • Yayan Firmansyah Politeknik Negeri Bandung Author


Internship project, Standard Operating Procedure, X-Sha Supermart


X-Sha Supermart is a growing retail company, but faces challenges in managing operations efficiently and consistently. One of the problems faced is the lack of well-structured and documented standard operating procedures (SOPs). The purpose of this community service is to develop SOPs as a guide in running daily operations, which can increase efficiency and reduce the potential for errors in the work process. The methods used are direct observation of existing business processes, interviews with staff and managers, and analysis of relevant company documents. Furthermore, the community played an active role in designing, compiling, and documenting SOPs for several key operational areas, such as stock management, customer service, and financial management. Important findings in this service show that with clear and structured SOPs, companies can improve coordination between departments, reduce operational errors, and increase customer satisfaction. In conclusion, the preparation of good and appropriate SOPs is very important for retail companies to achieve operational efficiency and service consistency, and support the company's future growth.


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How to Cite

Standard Operating Procedures in The Selling Area at X-Sha Supermart. (2025). CAUSALITY : Journal National Public Issues, 2(1), 1-11.