Submission Requirements:
Article Substance and Systematics:
- The article must address a problem related to Law.
- Required elements: title, author's name, institution, email, abstract, keywords, introduction, literature review, method, results and discussion, conclusions, and bibliography.
Writing Style:
- Use MS Word program, A4 paper, 5 to 20 pages, 1,15 point spacing, Times New Roman 12 pt font.
- The title should be concise (max. 15 words).
- Include the author's name without academic or job titles, along with institutions and email addresses.
- Abstract (150-300 words) in one paragraph covering background, objective, research methods, results, and conclusions.
- Keywords: 3 to 6 reflecting concepts in the paper.
- Introduction: Background, purpose, and problem formulation.
- Literature review
- Method: Design, subject, data collection, research procedures, and analysis techniques.
- Results and Discussion: Analyze recent data, test hypotheses, discuss findings, compare with other theories, and highlight implications.
- Conclusion: Summarize research conclusions and offer suggestions.
- Reference: Use 80% primary and current literature, and 20% textual citations (max. last 5 years).
- Tables and graphs should be sourced and numbered.
Footnote Style:
- Follow the Chicago Manual of Style 17th edition (Full note).
- Use reference management tools like Mendeley/Zotero/Endnote.
- Alphabetically arranged based on the cited author's last name.
- Follow the Chicago Manual of Style 17th edition (Full note).
Arab to Latin Transliteration:
- Refer to the Joint Decree of the Ministry of Religion and the Ministry of Education and Culture No. 158/1987 and Number 0543b/U/1987. For details, download here.
Submission Process:
- Submit your article via the journal's submission system.
- Ensure the article adheres to the guidelines.
- Include the similarity index check result in supplementary files.
- Articles must be original and not under consideration elsewhere.
Language Requirements:
- Use good and correct Indonesian or English.
- Transliteration follows the guidelines of the Joint Decree.