About the Journal

GERECHTIKEIT: Jurnal Riset Peradaban Hukum is an academic journal of Legal Studies published by the International Academic Research Center. This journal aims to provide a platform for scholars and intellectual experts of Law to put forward ideas for leading research results. GERECHTIKEIT: Jurnal Riset Peradaban Hukum is published regularly in Juni  and Desember with articles in English and Indonesian.

The journal is designed to provide an academic platform for cross-border legal research, involving fields such as legal philosophy and theory, comparative law, sociology of law, international law, Islamic law, constitutional law, civil law, economic law, environmental law, criminal law, administrative law, cyber law, procedural law, judicial, and human rights.

Articles published in GERECHTIKEIT: Jurnal Riset Peradaban Hukum go through a double-blind peer-review process. All articles submitted must be original, have not been published elsewhere, and are not under consideration for publication elsewhere. The Editorial Board of GERECHTIKEIT: Jurnal Riset Peradaban Hukum will conduct a plagiarism check using the Plagiarism Detection Program. If the percentage of plagiarism exceeds 20%, the editorial board will automatically reject the manuscript. The decision to accept or reject a scientific article belongs to the Editorial Board, based on recommendations from peer reviewers.

The Editorial Board is not responsible for the views presented in each article.

GERECHTIKEIT: Jurnal Riset Peradaban Hukum only accepts manuscripts following the author's guidelines and templates. Manuscripts that do not comply with the author's guidelines and templates will be automatically rejected before review. The editorial team will only accept manuscripts that meet the specified format requirements.