Historical Business Ethics of the Prophet Muhammad SAW in Facing the Development of Artificial Intelligence Technology
Ethics, Business, Rasulullah SAWAbstract
Business ethics plays an important role in creating honest, fair, and sustainable transactions. However, amidst technological advances and globalization, many business actors often ignore ethical principles for material gain. In fact, in Islamic teachings, as exemplified by the Prophet Muhammad SAW, ethical principles can be applied in the business world, such as shidiq, amanah, tabligh and fathanah. This study aims to identify the values of business ethics taught by the Prophet Muhammad SAW and their relevance in modern business practices, especially in the development of artificial intelligence technology. Through a qualitative approach and literature study methods, this study analyzes the texts of the Qur'an, hadith, and literature relevant to Islamic business ethics. The results of this study indicate that the business ethics taught by the Prophet Muhammad SAW offer very relevant guidelines to answer the challenges of the contemporary business world. Values such as honesty, justice, and transparency taught by the Prophet Muhammad SAW can provide direction in facing the complexity of today's business world, including in facing technological developments such as artificial intelligence (AI). However, in its application there are several challenges, such as data management that is increasingly dependent on technology. Therefore, to bridge the gap between the reality of often unethical business practices and the idealism of ethical business practices, the universal values approach taught by the Prophet Muhammad SAW needs to be applied. This approach includes strengthening ethical regulations, moral education in the business world, and collaboration between the public sector to create higher ethical standards in business amidst the development of artificial intelligence (AI) technology.
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Copyright (c) 2025 Linda Novianti (Author)

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